💰 How To Turn Memes into Money 💰

Starting Today

Everyone loves memes but not everyone makes money from them!

Everyone knows about meme pages but not many people know they can actually be great businesses with no cost of creation other than time.

meme via Terry Maxwell /Linkedin

This letter is focused on the meme pages but one of the next letters we put out will be around Theme Pages and Fan pages. Subscribe to Hobby+ to receive that! It’s worth the cup of coffee to invest in yourself.

Meme pages are something I recommend to young people all the time for a few reasons:

-0$ Start cost

-Very Educational

-ROITQ (Return On Invested Time Quickly)


-Low downside

All you need to do is create an account on a major platform (I’d focus on one to start) 

-And start sharing memes!! 

-The riches are in the niches but general can work too.

-But often times, focusing on a niche like finance or school or a generation or age will result in higher advertising rates down the road… 

There are two sub types too for all meme pages:

-Original content

  • Perks of making original content are MUCH higher ad rates … up to 10-25x higher… but that comes with the effort and skill required too.

-Curated content

  • Curated content meme pages are very easy to run and get LOTS of great content out but obviously have lower rates. Niche dependent though. Note; Make sure to credit your sources!

Now the Money:

Ads From Two Sources

1) Inbound advertisers that will reach out via dm or email (Have a business email in your bio)

2) Agency partners (more on that in Hobby+)


-Advertising products that are relevant to your audience (More on that in a future letter)

*Note: If you have any questions and are a Hobby+ member: DM me on IG @buster and I will answer your questions.

In Todays Hobby+ Portion: (Subscribe to + to read)

  1. The CURRENT algorithm tricks and things you HAVE to be doing to succeed on todays Instagram, Facebook & Tiktok 

  2. How to sustain meme page revenue

  3. Selling the page for a big exit *IE: Daquan for 80 million dollars or the pages that sell everyday for 10k-1Million

  4. Where to find the best content / content inspiration:

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