How to Test New Content Without Your Followers Seeing it

Instagram is trialling a new feature that could change the game 👀

If you want to grow your audience on Instagram and get in front of new people, the platform is trialling a new feature you need to be aware of: Trial Posts

In Today’s Letter:
  • What are Trial Posts? 🤔

  • The Benefit of Trial Posts 🤩

  • The First Thing You Need To Do With Trial Posts ☝️

  • What To Do With Trial Posts At A Minimum 🤏

  • A Couple Things to Note 📝

  • BONUS: Another Update to Pay Attention To 👀

  • What This Shows Us About Social Media 📲

What Are Trial Posts?

Trial Posts are Reels that do not get shown to your followers — they are only shown to your non-followers (at first).

If your Trial Post performs well enough, it is then shown to your entire audience.

The Benefit of Trial Posts

Trial Posts allow you to test and refine new content ideas and formats before sharing them with your followers.

If your followers don’t see a post until it performs well enough, then you can tweak a new post/format as much as you like until it works. Not only will your followers not remember your misses, they won’t even see them.

Pro Tip: You want to make sure you’re only testing out content that works broadly. Don’t test content that’s specific to your audience like announcements, updates, or inside jokes.

The First Thing You Need To Do With Trial Posts

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